Saturday, January 6, 2018

"Toronto Railway Lands, July 1988"

In the last post there was a little discussion in the comments section about modelling water. Since E. L. Moore was modelling a small mountain lake, I thought I'd try and find some slides I shot of mountain lakes I saw while hiking through Utah a long time ago. I haven't found those slides yet, but I stumbled across a sheet of Kodachromes where I penciled "Toronto Railway Lands, July 1988" in the title block.

For some reason, I can't recall why, my cousin Ken and I went down to those "Railway Lands" for some sort of trade show. After we were done he told me he knew some secret way to sneak down to the tracks. It was no doubt trespassing, but we were pretty stupid then. I had my trusty Minolta with me and I couldn't resist. I don't recall much of anything about the background or circumstances of these photos, but here they are in lovely Kodachrome.
Looks liked we poked around the old John Street Roundhouse.
I believe this is that roundhouse. Strong backlighting that I can't seem to correct has obscured a lot of foreground detail in this shot.
Some sort of equipment we saw while wandering around.
That looks like the SkyDome - called the Rogers Centre today - under construction in the background.
That looks like one of the TTC's Peter Witt streetcars. I have no idea where I took that, but it was in the sheet.
This one looks more July-like.
And it wouldn't be Toronto without a shot of the CN Tower. Well, the search goes on for those Utah slides.

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