Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunday at car stop #1

Some long time residents still call this the Cedar Heights stop because before amalgamation the area was known as Cedar Heights. The raised platform stop is a relic from the interurban that used to come by here a few times a day. Today it’s all streetcars. The interurbans, along with the cedars, are gone.

I still think of this as Cedar Heights, but force myself to call it The Strip. Ok, well, out here it’s the ragged end of the strip. To the east are the leftovers from the rural past, and to the west is Ocean Boulevard and the modern present.
On the rural end, Ma hasn’t given up even though city creep is knocking on her door. She built a second bed-and-breakfast right across from the stop. It’s not fancy, but it’s clean and the food’s good.
Both of Ma’s Places, and more or less all the businesses behind hers, were designed by this fellow, Earl Lloyd Moore, back in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Making things yourself from plans was a thing back then. You could build what you needed and save some money too, so all was good. 
That era’s passed, but the buildings and businesses are still going strong. They’re now into organic this and artisanal that, so they’re keeping up with the times.
Years before these ones were built, some Moore designs got built just north of here. My dad was still a 'chopter pilot then and took me flying when he needed to keep his hours up. There were a couple of Moores near the pad he flew out of. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen them. One was falling down, but I still have a couple of photos I took leaning over the side of dad’s Kaman.
That brick one is the old PB Paper Company. These days it’s a craft brewery.
This one is a lumber yard. That’s the one that was half fallen down the last time I saw it. I should drive up there one weekend and see if it’s still there.

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